Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Traveling by bus to Tijuana

I'm having a trip in a bus from Sinaloa to Tijuana, this is a long way to go, it lasts one day. Most of the view is semi-desertic, nevertheless we our land is fertile in Sinaloa, corn,wheat, tomatoes, green pepper, etc.

After leaving Sinaloa we enter Sonora, a huge and desertic state, not as big as Chihuahua, but very close. We're still on Spring and we're already having too high temperatures for this month.

Fortunately, our interstate bus lines are not that bad, all of them have DVD player, air conditioner and tv screens. Mostly, they are not that fast, but they're safe enough to withstand any international regulation.

I'm carrying salvia extract with me, my guess is that salvia extract is one of those things which effects are not the same from place to place, and I  would like to try salvia anywhere


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